Post Testing-2

Dear All,

  "Be an embodiment of Wisdom, Knowledge,Intelligence       and Creativity."

  "Let existence be proud of you and let life to be fragrant."

The Indo Asian Academy Education Trust [R] is ;
    " A paradise of higher learning "
    " An opportunity to grow and glow with Diverse cultures          of the globe "
Learn to adjust with the ground realities of the real world to make a winning beginning, to set an exhilarating journey, in the knowledge scenario, to achieve an incredible degree of success. We earnestly approach you, to join hands with us to excel and to accomplish the dreams in enhancing the horizon of knowledge to every aspirant, who is keen in pursuing a higher degree of excellence.
The Indo Asian Academy Education Trust, nestles itself in the heart of the city of Bangalore, wherein the nature carves a new niche for you.
Let's begin with an oriental saying -
Where the vision is one year - cultivate flowers
Where the vision is ten years - cultivate trees
Where the vision is eternity - cultivate people
We, with wide open arms, welcome you to enter the portals of the Indo Asian Academy Group of Institutions and exit as an accomplished person into the threshold of opportunities, to evolve and mature gracefully.
The Indo Asian Academy is recognized by Govt. of Karnataka approved by the Pre University Education Board, affiliated to Bangalore University, University of Mysore, All India Management of Association, and Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, approved by Indian Nursing Council, Govt. of India and Karnataka Nursing Council. The Indo Asian Group is a certified partner of SAP and the KGTTI. We have also singed MOUs with the National college of Ireland for academic partnership, TalentSprint for conducting classes in Banking and Financial services for the B.Com and B.B.M students. Talentsprint - a National Skill Development Corporation Company for setting up a Center of Excellence for Software Development , offering students a high quality education, at an affordable cost, with diverse combinations, viz., Computer Applications, Business Management, Multimedia, Book Keeping and Accountancy, Journalism and Mass Communication, Electronics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Nursing, Proficiency in Business English etc.,
Accreditation: The Management of Indo Asian Academy is delighted to propound that our Indo Asian Academy Degree College is accredited by the NAAC - National Assessment and Accreditation Council after a careful validation of the credentials of our college. Partake with us in the joyous celebration & feel proud to live-with and pursue your higher education. Be in the spot light and be on the top of your mind.
The Indo Asian Academy Education Trust, offers education to its 4500 students, hailing from Bangalore, other states in India as well 45 countries across the globe.
Bliss begins here !!!
Indo Asian Academy Group Of Institutions
Bangalore, India

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